Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 11, 2024

Guild Data

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Quark collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of Quark Bot ("Application"). This privacy policy applies to the Application and all products and services offered by Quark.

"Guild Data" refers to information we collect and store pertaining to individual guilds, including but not limited to settings and data specific to each guild. Such data is generated upon the integration of Quark into a guild and is expunged upon Quark's removal. In many cases, this data is only required to be stored for short periods and will be deleted once it is no longer needed. Guilds are uniquely identified by their Discord ID.

Categories of Guild Data Collected:


  • Channel options (inclusive of channel IDs)
  • Channel overrides (inclusive of channel IDs)
  • Configuration options
  • User-defined tags


  • Audit log IDs (utilized for accurate action detection)
  • Users, channels and roles designated for ignoring (inclusive of user IDs)
  • Server invites and associated data (utilized for detecting which invite was used to join a server)
  • Messages and associated message data (such as files and any metadata)

User Data

"User Data" refers to information collected and stored about individual users, identified by user IDs. This includes, but is not limited to, information regarding badges and other pertinent data. User data is retained if the user is a member of the support server, possesses at least one badge, or has a subscription for Quark Pro or Quark Pro Lite. Users reserve the right to request the deletion of their user data by contacting an administrator in the support server.

Messages, Files, and Additional Data

Quark retains message and file data exclusively when the pertinent logging feature is activated. Such messages and files are stored temporarily, subject to server-specific duration limits (12 hours for non-Pro servers, and 2 weeks for Pro servers.). Each channel is subject to a message storage limit, ranging from 100 to 2100 messages, contingent upon the number of server members. This per-channel message storage limit does not apply to Pro servers. Messages older than 12 hours are encrypted and stored in a local database on the server Quark is hosted on, and automatically deleted after 2 weeks. Older messages are prioritized for deletion. Files are safeguarded through AES-256 encryption. Our file handling protocol can be reviewed here.

Additional data, including but not limited to voice state and audit log data, is retained only when relevant and for the duration it remains pertinent. Quark may collect anonymous data for internal analytics and enhancement purposes. This data is not traceable to specific users or guilds. If message logging is enabled, message deletions and edits are documented. In the event of errors, pertinent data is recorded for debugging purposes and is not disseminated outside of the development team.

Guild administrators or proprietors may request access to their guild's data by contacting on Discord. Such requests will be addressed within a period of 14 days.